“Tutto Barche” and “Superyachts” about Detra – First Article is Online

Tutto Barche” has published the first of three articles about Detra. The website defined us “an international excellence” and praised, among other things, the technologies, the intuition and the creativity that make us stand out.

This company has been an excellence for more than 30 years both in the production of propellers for yachtes and in the restoration of all other types of propellers.

This first article about us focuses on the innovations developed by Detra within the project named “Studio e sviluppo di un sistema innovativo di propulsione a pale modulari, ad elevata efficienza, in particolare per i sistemi di propulsione ibrida ed elettrica in ambito nautico“, co-funded by F.E.S.R. (European Fund for Regional Deveopment).

We invite you to read the full article at this link: Full Article – Tutto Barche

The same article has been published on “Superyachts” and you can read it here: Full Article – Superyachts